1 Corinthians (Adults)

Chapter 15

Lesson written by Beth and Murray Wade

1 Corinthians Questions

Text: 1 Corinthians chapter 15: [please read text & answer questions]

1. What three actions have to be taken with the gospel in order for salvation to be realized?



2. According to verse 2, how can one's belief be in vain?



3. When Paul delivered the gospel message to the Corinthians, what did it focus on?



4. What proof do we have that Jesus rose from the dead?



5. Paul said that he was what he was because of God's grace and that God's grace was not in vain. How can we make sure that God's grace toward us is not in vain?



6. In verses 12-19, Paul speaks about how the whole gospel message is built on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What conclusions must be made if Jesus is not risen?



7. Why is Christ called the "firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep"?



8. Why is Adam mentioned in verse 22?



9. What things will happen when the end comes?



10. In verses 29-32, Paul asks the Corinthians some questions. What point is he trying to get across to them?



11. Why does Paul give the warning in verses 33-34?



12. In verses 35-41 Paul uses illustrations to compare natural things with spiritual things. What four examples from nature does he use to do this?



13. Make a comparison of the "natural body" and the "spiritual body" from verses 42-44.



14. From verses 45-49 make a comparison of the two "Adams" (verse 45) and explain whom these two "Adams" are.


15. When the last trumpet sounds, what will occur?


16. What should looking forward to the resurrection and the victory it brings, cause us to do?